001    /*
002     * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Marc Prud'hommeaux. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
005     * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
006     */
007    package jline;
009    import java.io.*;
011    import jline.UnixTerminal.ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream;
013    /**
014     * <p>
015     * Terminal implementation for Microsoft Windows. Terminal initialization in
016     * {@link #initializeTerminal} is accomplished by extracting the
017     * <em>jline_<i>version</i>.dll</em>, saving it to the system temporary
018     * directoy (determined by the setting of the <em>java.io.tmpdir</em> System
019     * property), loading the library, and then calling the Win32 APIs <a
020     * href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?
021     * url=/library/en-us/dllproc/base/setconsolemode.asp">SetConsoleMode</a> and
022     * <a href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?
023     * url=/library/en-us/dllproc/base/getconsolemode.asp">GetConsoleMode</a> to
024     * disable character echoing.
025     * </p>
026     *
027     * <p>
028     * By default, the {@link #readCharacter} method will attempt to test to see if
029     * the specified {@link InputStream} is {@link System#in} or a wrapper around
030     * {@link FileDescriptor#in}, and if so, will bypass the character reading to
031     * directly invoke the readc() method in the JNI library. This is so the class
032     * can read special keys (like arrow keys) which are otherwise inaccessible via
033     * the {@link System#in} stream. Using JNI reading can be bypassed by setting
034     * the <code>jline.WindowsTerminal.disableDirectConsole</code> system property
035     * to <code>true</code>.
036     * </p>
037     *
038     * @author <a href="mailto:mwp1@cornell.edu">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a>
039     */
040    public class WindowsTerminal extends Terminal {
041        // constants copied from wincon.h
043        /**
044         * The ReadFile or ReadConsole function returns only when a carriage return
045         * character is read. If this mode is disable, the functions return when one
046         * or more characters are available.
047         */
048        private static final int ENABLE_LINE_INPUT = 2;
050        /**
051         * Characters read by the ReadFile or ReadConsole function are written to
052         * the active screen buffer as they are read. This mode can be used only if
053         * the ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is also enabled.
054         */
055        private static final int ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT = 4;
057        /**
058         * CTRL+C is processed by the system and is not placed in the input buffer.
059         * If the input buffer is being read by ReadFile or ReadConsole, other
060         * control keys are processed by the system and are not returned in the
061         * ReadFile or ReadConsole buffer. If the ENABLE_LINE_INPUT mode is also
062         * enabled, backspace, carriage return, and linefeed characters are handled
063         * by the system.
064         */
065        private static final int ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT = 1;
067        /**
068         * User interactions that change the size of the console screen buffer are
069         * reported in the console's input buffee. Information about these events
070         * can be read from the input buffer by applications using
071         * theReadConsoleInput function, but not by those using ReadFile
072         * orReadConsole.
073         */
074        private static final int ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT = 8;
076        /**
077         * If the mouse pointer is within the borders of the console window and the
078         * window has the keyboard focus, mouse events generated by mouse movement
079         * and button presses are placed in the input buffer. These events are
080         * discarded by ReadFile or ReadConsole, even when this mode is enabled.
081         */
082        private static final int ENABLE_MOUSE_INPUT = 16;
084        /**
085         * When enabled, text entered in a console window will be inserted at the
086         * current cursor location and all text following that location will not be
087         * overwritten. When disabled, all following text will be overwritten. An OR
088         * operation must be performed with this flag and the ENABLE_EXTENDED_FLAGS
089         * flag to enable this functionality.
090         */
091        private static final int ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT = 1;
093        /**
094         * This flag enables the user to use the mouse to select and edit text. To
095         * enable this option, use the OR to combine this flag with
097         */
098        private static final int ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT = 2;
100        /**
101         * On windows terminals, this character indicates that a 'special' key has
102         * been pressed. This means that a key such as an arrow key, or delete, or
103         * home, etc. will be indicated by the next character.
104         */
105        public static final int SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR = 224;
107        /**
108         * On windows terminals, this character indicates that a special key on the
109         * number pad has been pressed.
110         */
111        public static final int NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR = 0;
113        /**
114         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR,
115         * this character indicates an left arrow key press.
116         */
117        public static final int LEFT_ARROW_KEY = 75;
119        /**
120         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
121         * this character indicates an
122         * right arrow key press.
123         */
124        public static final int RIGHT_ARROW_KEY = 77;
126        /**
127         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
128         * this character indicates an up
129         * arrow key press.
130         */
131        public static final int UP_ARROW_KEY = 72;
133        /**
134         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
135         * this character indicates an
136         * down arrow key press.
137         */
138        public static final int DOWN_ARROW_KEY = 80;
140        /**
141         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
142         * this character indicates that
143         * the delete key was pressed.
144         */
145        public static final int DELETE_KEY = 83;
147        /**
148         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
149         * this character indicates that
150         * the home key was pressed.
151         */
152        public static final int HOME_KEY = 71;
154        /**
155         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
156         * this character indicates that
157         * the end key was pressed.
158         */
159        public static final char END_KEY = 79;
161        /**
162         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
163         * this character indicates that
164         * the page up key was pressed.
165         */
166        public static final char PAGE_UP_KEY = 73;
168        /**
169         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
170         * this character indicates that
171         * the page down key was pressed.
172         */
173        public static final char PAGE_DOWN_KEY = 81;
175        /**
176         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR
177         * this character indicates that
178         * the insert key was pressed.
179         */
180        public static final char INSERT_KEY = 82;
182        /**
183         * When following the SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR or NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR,
184         * this character indicates that the escape key was pressed.
185         */
186        public static final char ESCAPE_KEY = 0;
188        private Boolean directConsole;
190        private boolean echoEnabled;
192        String encoding = System.getProperty("jline.WindowsTerminal.input.encoding", System.getProperty("file.encoding"));
193        ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream replayStream = new ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream(encoding);
194        InputStreamReader replayReader;
196        public WindowsTerminal() {
197            String dir = System.getProperty("jline.WindowsTerminal.directConsole");
199            if ("true".equals(dir)) {
200                directConsole = Boolean.TRUE;
201            } else if ("false".equals(dir)) {
202                directConsole = Boolean.FALSE;
203            }
205            try {
206                replayReader = new InputStreamReader(replayStream, encoding);
207            } catch (Exception e) {
208                throw new RuntimeException(e);
209            }
211        }
213        private native int getConsoleMode();
215        private native void setConsoleMode(final int mode);
217        private native int readByte();
219        private native int getWindowsTerminalWidth();
221        private native int getWindowsTerminalHeight();
223        public int readCharacter(final InputStream in) throws IOException {
224            // if we can detect that we are directly wrapping the system
225            // input, then bypass the input stream and read directly (which
226            // allows us to access otherwise unreadable strokes, such as
227            // the arrow keys)
228            if (directConsole == Boolean.FALSE) {
229                return super.readCharacter(in);
230            } else if ((directConsole == Boolean.TRUE)
231                || ((in == System.in) || (in instanceof FileInputStream
232                    && (((FileInputStream) in).getFD() == FileDescriptor.in)))) {
233                return readByte();
234            } else {
235                return super.readCharacter(in);
236            }
237        }
239        public void initializeTerminal() throws Exception {
240            loadLibrary("jline");
242            final int originalMode = getConsoleMode();
244            setConsoleMode(originalMode & ~ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT);
246            // set the console to raw mode
247            int newMode = originalMode
248                & ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT
250            echoEnabled = false;
251            setConsoleMode(newMode);
253            // at exit, restore the original tty configuration (for JDK 1.3+)
254            try {
255                Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
256                    public void start() {
257                        // restore the old console mode
258                        setConsoleMode(originalMode);
259                    }
260                });
261            } catch (AbstractMethodError ame) {
262                // JDK 1.3+ only method. Bummer.
263                consumeException(ame);
264            }
265        }
267        private void loadLibrary(final String name) throws IOException {
268            // store the DLL in the temporary directory for the System
269            String version = getClass().getPackage().getImplementationVersion();
271            if (version == null) {
272                version = "";
273            }
275            version = version.replace('.', '_');
277            File f = new File(System.getProperty("java.io.tmpdir"), name + "_"
278                    + version + ".dll");
279            boolean exists = f.isFile(); // check if it already exists
281            // extract the embedded jline.dll file from the jar and save
282            // it to the current directory
283            int bits = 32;
285            // check for 64-bit systems and use to appropriate DLL
286            if (System.getProperty("os.arch").indexOf("64") != -1)
287                bits = 64;
289            InputStream in = new BufferedInputStream(getClass()
290                .getResourceAsStream(name + bits + ".dll"));
292            try {
293                OutputStream fout = new BufferedOutputStream(
294                        new FileOutputStream(f));
295                byte[] bytes = new byte[1024 * 10];
297                for (int n = 0; n != -1; n = in.read(bytes)) {
298                    fout.write(bytes, 0, n);
299                }
301                fout.close();
302            } catch (IOException ioe) {
303                // We might get an IOException trying to overwrite an existing
304                // jline.dll file if there is another process using the DLL.
305                // If this happens, ignore errors.
306                if (!exists) {
307                    throw ioe;
308                }
309            }
311            // try to clean up the DLL after the JVM exits
312            f.deleteOnExit();
314            // now actually load the DLL
315            System.load(f.getAbsolutePath());
316        }
318        public int readVirtualKey(InputStream in) throws IOException {
319            int indicator = readCharacter(in);
321            // in Windows terminals, arrow keys are represented by
322            // a sequence of 2 characters. E.g., the up arrow
323            // key yields 224, 72
324            if (indicator == SPECIAL_KEY_INDICATOR
325                    || indicator == NUMPAD_KEY_INDICATOR) {
326                int key = readCharacter(in);
328                switch (key) {
329                case UP_ARROW_KEY:
330                    return CTRL_P; // translate UP -> CTRL-P
331                case LEFT_ARROW_KEY:
332                    return CTRL_B; // translate LEFT -> CTRL-B
333                case RIGHT_ARROW_KEY:
334                    return CTRL_F; // translate RIGHT -> CTRL-F
335                case DOWN_ARROW_KEY:
336                    return CTRL_N; // translate DOWN -> CTRL-N
337                case DELETE_KEY:
338                    return CTRL_QM; // translate DELETE -> CTRL-?
339                case HOME_KEY:
340                    return CTRL_A;
341                case END_KEY:
342                    return CTRL_E;
343                case PAGE_UP_KEY:
344                    return CTRL_K;
345                case PAGE_DOWN_KEY:
346                    return CTRL_L;
347                case ESCAPE_KEY:
348                    return CTRL_OB; // translate ESCAPE -> CTRL-[
349                case INSERT_KEY:
350                    return CTRL_C;
351                default:
352                    return 0;
353                }
354            } else if (indicator > 128) {
355                    // handle unicode characters longer than 2 bytes,
356                    // thanks to Marc.Herbert@continuent.com
357                    replayStream.setInput(indicator, in);
358                    // replayReader = new InputStreamReader(replayStream, encoding);
359                    indicator = replayReader.read();
361            }
363            return indicator;
365            }
367        public boolean isSupported() {
368            return true;
369        }
371        /**
372         * Windows doesn't support ANSI codes by default; disable them.
373         */
374        public boolean isANSISupported() {
375            return false;
376        }
378        public boolean getEcho() {
379            return false;
380        }
382        /**
383         * Unsupported; return the default.
384         *
385         * @see Terminal#getTerminalWidth
386         */
387        public int getTerminalWidth() {
388            return getWindowsTerminalWidth();
389        }
391        /**
392         * Unsupported; return the default.
393         *
394         * @see Terminal#getTerminalHeight
395         */
396        public int getTerminalHeight() {
397            return getWindowsTerminalHeight();
398        }
400        /**
401         * No-op for exceptions we want to silently consume.
402         */
403        private void consumeException(final Throwable e) {
404        }
406        /**
407         * Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
408         */
409        public void setDirectConsole(Boolean directConsole) {
410            this.directConsole = directConsole;
411        }
413        /**
414         * Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
415         */
416        public Boolean getDirectConsole() {
417            return this.directConsole;
418        }
420        public synchronized boolean isEchoEnabled() {
421            return echoEnabled;
422        }
424        public synchronized void enableEcho() {
425            // Must set these four modes at the same time to make it work fine.
426            setConsoleMode(getConsoleMode() | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT | ENABLE_LINE_INPUT
428            echoEnabled = true;
429        }
431        public synchronized void disableEcho() {
432            // Must set these four modes at the same time to make it work fine.
433            setConsoleMode(getConsoleMode()
434                & ~(ENABLE_LINE_INPUT | ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT
436            echoEnabled = true;
437        }
439        public InputStream getDefaultBindings() {
440            return getClass().getResourceAsStream("windowsbindings.properties");
441        }
443        /**
444         * This is awkward and inefficient, but probably the minimal way to add
445         * UTF-8 support to JLine
446         *
447         * @author <a href="mailto:Marc.Herbert@continuent.com">Marc Herbert</a>
448         */
449        static class ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream extends InputStream {
450            byte firstByte;
451            int byteLength;
452            InputStream wrappedStream;
453            int byteRead;
455            final String encoding;
457            public ReplayPrefixOneCharInputStream(String encoding) {
458                this.encoding = encoding;
459            }
461            public void setInput(int recorded, InputStream wrapped) throws IOException {
462                this.byteRead = 0;
463                this.firstByte = (byte) recorded;
464                this.wrappedStream = wrapped;
466                byteLength = 1;
467                if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-8"))
468                    setInputUTF8(recorded, wrapped);
469                else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-16"))
470                    byteLength = 2;
471                else if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-32"))
472                    byteLength = 4;
473            }
476            public void setInputUTF8(int recorded, InputStream wrapped) throws IOException {
477                // 110yyyyy 10zzzzzz
478                if ((firstByte & (byte) 0xE0) == (byte) 0xC0)
479                    this.byteLength = 2;
480                // 1110xxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz
481                else if ((firstByte & (byte) 0xF0) == (byte) 0xE0)
482                    this.byteLength = 3;
483                // 11110www 10xxxxxx 10yyyyyy 10zzzzzz
484                else if ((firstByte & (byte) 0xF8) == (byte) 0xF0)
485                    this.byteLength = 4;
486                else
487                    throw new IOException("invalid UTF-8 first byte: " + firstByte);
488            }
490            public int read() throws IOException {
491                if (available() == 0)
492                    return -1;
494                byteRead++;
496                if (byteRead == 1)
497                    return firstByte;
499                return wrappedStream.read();
500            }
502            /**
503            * InputStreamReader is greedy and will try to read bytes in advance. We
504            * do NOT want this to happen since we use a temporary/"losing bytes"
505            * InputStreamReader above, that's why we hide the real
506            * wrappedStream.available() here.
507            */
508            public int available() {
509                return byteLength - byteRead;
510            }
511        }
513    }