001    /*
002     * Copyright (c) 2002-2007, Marc Prud'hommeaux. All rights reserved.
003     *
004     * This software is distributable under the BSD license. See the terms of the
005     * BSD license in the documentation provided with this software.
006     */
007    package jline;
009    import java.util.*;
011    /**
012     *  <p>
013     *  A completor that does nothing. Useful as the last item in an
014     *  {@link ArgumentCompletor}.
015     *  </p>
016     *
017     *  @author  <a href="mailto:mwp1@cornell.edu">Marc Prud'hommeaux</a>
018     */
019    public class NullCompletor implements Completor {
020        /**
021         *  Returns -1 always, indicating that the the buffer is never
022         *  handled.
023         */
024        public int complete(final String buffer, int cursor, List candidates) {
025            return -1;
026        }
027    }