ADD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
ANSIBuffer - class jline.ANSIBuffer.
A buffer that can contain ANSI text.
ANSIBuffer() - Constructor for class jline.ANSIBuffer
ANSIBuffer(String) - Constructor for class jline.ANSIBuffer
ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes - class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes.
ARROW_DOWN - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
ARROW_LEFT - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
ARROW_PREFIX - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
ARROW_RIGHT - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
ARROW_START - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
ARROW_UP - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
ArgumentCompletor - class jline.ArgumentCompletor.
A Completor implementation that invokes a child completor using the appropriate separator argument.
ArgumentCompletor(Completor) - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor
Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".
ArgumentCompletor(List) - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor
Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".
ArgumentCompletor(Completor[]) - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor
Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".
ArgumentCompletor(Completor, ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter) - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor
Constuctor: create a new completor with the specified argument delimiter.
ArgumentCompletor(Completor[], ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter) - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor
Constuctor: create a new completor with the specified argument delimiter.
ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter - class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter.
Abstract implementation of a delimiter that uses the ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter.isDelimiter(java.lang.String, int) method to determine if a particular character should be used as a delimiter.
ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter() - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter - interface jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter.
The ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter allows custom breaking up of a String into individual arguments in order to dispatch the arguments to the nested Completor.
ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList - class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList.
The result of a delimited buffer.
ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList(String[], int, int, int) - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
ArgumentCompletor.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter - class jline.ArgumentCompletor.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter.
ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter implementation that counts all whitespace (as reported by Character.isWhitespace(char)) as being a delimiter.
ArgumentCompletor.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter() - Constructor for class jline.ArgumentCompletor.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter
addCandidateString(String) - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
addCompletor(Completor) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Add the specified Completor to the list of handlers for tab-completion.
addToHistory(String) - Method in class jline.History
Add the specified buffer to the end of the history.
append(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
attrib(int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Sets the character attribute.
attrib(String, int) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer


BACKSPACE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
BLINK - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
BOLD - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
backspace() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Issue a backspace.
beep() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Issue an audible keyboard bell, if ConsoleReader.getBellEnabled() return true.
black(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
blink(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
blue(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
bold(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
buf - Variable in class jline.ConsoleReader
buffer - Variable in class jline.CursorBuffer


CHANGE_CASE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that toggles between uppercase and lowercase.
CHANGE_META - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
CLEAR_SCREEN - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that clears the screen.
COMPLETE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that performs completion operation on the current word.
CONCEALED - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
CR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CR - Static variable in class jline.ConsoleReader
CTRL_A - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CTRL_B - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CTRL_C - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CTRL_D - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CTRL_E - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CTRL_F - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CTRL_N - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CTRL_P - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
CandidateCycleCompletionHandler - class jline.CandidateCycleCompletionHandler.
A CompletionHandler that deals with multiple distinct completions by cycling through each one every time tab is pressed.
CandidateCycleCompletionHandler() - Constructor for class jline.CandidateCycleCompletionHandler
CandidateListCompletionHandler - class jline.CandidateListCompletionHandler.
A CompletionHandler that deals with multiple distinct completions by outputting the complete list of possibilities to the console.
CandidateListCompletionHandler() - Constructor for class jline.CandidateListCompletionHandler
ClassNameCompletor - class jline.ClassNameCompletor.
A Completor implementation that completes java class names.
ClassNameCompletor() - Constructor for class jline.ClassNameCompletor
Complete candidates using all the classes available in the java CLASSPATH.
ClassNameCompletor(SimpleCompletor.SimpleCompletorFilter) - Constructor for class jline.ClassNameCompletor
CompletionHandler - interface jline.CompletionHandler.
Handler for dealing with candidates for tab-completion.
Completor - interface jline.Completor.
A Completor is the mechanism by which tab-completion candidates will be resolved.
ConsoleOperations - interface jline.ConsoleOperations.
Synbolic constants for Console operations and virtual key bindings.
ConsoleReader - class jline.ConsoleReader.
A reader for console applications.
ConsoleReader() - Constructor for class jline.ConsoleReader
Create a new reader using FileDescriptor.in for input and System.out for output.
ConsoleReader(InputStream, Writer) - Constructor for class jline.ConsoleReader
Create a new reader using the specified InputStream for input and the specific writer for output, using the default keybindings resource.
ConsoleReader(InputStream, Writer, InputStream) - Constructor for class jline.ConsoleReader
ConsoleReader(InputStream, Writer, InputStream, Terminal) - Constructor for class jline.ConsoleReader
Create a new reader.
ConsoleReaderInputStream - class jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream.
An InputStream implementation that wraps a ConsoleReader.
ConsoleReaderInputStream(ConsoleReader) - Constructor for class jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream
ConsoleRunner - class jline.ConsoleRunner.
A pass-through application that sets the system input stream to a ConsoleReader and invokes the specified main method.
ConsoleRunner() - Constructor for class jline.ConsoleRunner
CursorBuffer - class jline.CursorBuffer.
A CursorBuffer is a holder for a StringBuffer that also contains the current cursor position.
CursorBuffer() - Constructor for class jline.CursorBuffer
candidates - Variable in class jline.SimpleCompletor
The list of candidates that will be completed.
clear() - Method in class jline.History
Clear the history buffer
clearEcho(int) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Clear the echoed characters for the specified character code.
clearScreen() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Clear the screen by issuing the ANSI "clear screen" code.
clone() - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
clreol() - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Removes all characters from the current cursor position until the end of the line.
clrscr() - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the home postition.
complete(String, int, List) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor
complete(ConsoleReader, List, int) - Method in class jline.CandidateCycleCompletionHandler
complete(ConsoleReader, List, int) - Method in class jline.CandidateListCompletionHandler
complete(ConsoleReader, List, int) - Method in interface jline.CompletionHandler
complete(String, int, List) - Method in interface jline.Completor
Populates candidates with a list of possible completions for the buffer.
complete(String, int, List) - Method in class jline.FileNameCompletor
complete(String, int, List) - Method in class jline.MultiCompletor
complete(String, int, List) - Method in class jline.NullCompletor
Returns -1 always, indicating that the the buffer is never handled.
complete(String, int, List) - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
completors - Variable in class jline.ArgumentCompletor
completors - Variable in class jline.ConsoleReader
completors - Variable in class jline.MultiCompletor
countEchoCharacters(char) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
current() - Method in class jline.CursorBuffer
current() - Method in class jline.History
Return the content of the current buffer.
cursor - Variable in class jline.CursorBuffer
cyan(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer


DELETE_META - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
DELETE_NEXT_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that deletes the previous character.
DELETE_PREV_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
DELETE_PREV_WORD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that deletes the previous word in the buffer.
debug(String) - Static method in class jline.ConsoleReader
debugger - Static variable in class jline.ConsoleReader
delim - Variable in class jline.ArgumentCompletor
delimit(String, int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
delimit(String, int) - Method in interface jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter
Break the specified buffer into individual tokens that can be completed on their own.
delimiter - Variable in class jline.SimpleCompletor
A delimiter to use to qualify completions.
down(int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Moves the cursor n rows down.
drawLine() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Output put the prompt + the current buffer


END_CODE - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
END_WORD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
ESC - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
EXIT - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that exits the command prompt.


FG_BLACK - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FG_BLUE - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FG_CYAN - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FG_GREEN - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FG_MAGENTA - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FG_RED - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FG_WHITE - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FG_YELLOW - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
FileNameCompletor - class jline.FileNameCompletor.
A file name completor takes the buffer and issues a list of potential completions.
FileNameCompletor() - Constructor for class jline.FileNameCompletor
filter(String) - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor.NoOpFilter
filter(String) - Method in interface jline.SimpleCompletor.SimpleCompletorFilter
Filter the specified String.
filter - Variable in class jline.SimpleCompletor
finishBuffer() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Clear the buffer and add its contents to the history.
flushBuffer() - Method in class jline.History
Flush the entire history buffer to the output PrintWriter.
flushConsole() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Flush the console output stream.


getAnsiBuffer() - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
getAnsiEnabled() - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
getArgumentPosition() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
getArguments() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
getAutoprintThreshhold() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getBellEnabled() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getBufferPosition() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
getCandidates() - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
getClassNames() - Static method in class jline.ClassNameCompletor
getCompletionHandler() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getCompletors() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Returns an unmodifiable list of all the completors.
getCompletors() - Method in class jline.MultiCompletor
getCurrentIndex() - Method in class jline.History
Returns the current history index.
getCursorArgument() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
getCursorArgumentIndex() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
getCursorBuffer() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getCursorPosition() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getDelimiter() - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
getDirectConsole() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
getEcho() - Method in class jline.Terminal
Returns true if the terminal will echo all characters type.
getEcho() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
getEcho() - Method in class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
getEcho() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
getEchoCharacter() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Returns the echo character.
getEscapeChars() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
getHistory() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getHistoryList() - Method in class jline.History
Returns an immutable list of the history buffer.
getInput() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Returns the stream used for console input.
getKeyForAction(short) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getMaxSize() - Method in class jline.History
Get the maximum size that the history buffer will store.
getOutput() - Method in class jline.History
Returns the PrintWriter that is used to store history elements.
getPlainBuffer() - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
getPrintableCharacters(char) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Return the number of characters that will be printed when the specified character is echoed to the screen.
getQuoteChars() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
getStrict() - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor
Returns whether a completion at argument index N will succees if all the completions from arguments 0-(N-1) also succeed.
getTermheight() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Query the terminal to find the current width;
getTerminal() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
getTerminal() - Static method in class jline.Terminal
getTerminalHeight() - Method in class jline.Terminal
Returns the current height of the terminal (in lines)
getTerminalHeight() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
Returns the value of "stty size" height param.
getTerminalHeight() - Method in class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
Always returng 24, since we can't access this info on Windows.
getTerminalHeight() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Unsupported; return the default.
getTerminalWidth() - Method in class jline.Terminal
Returns the current width of the terminal (in characters)
getTerminalWidth() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
Returns the value of "stty size" width param.
getTerminalWidth() - Method in class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
Always returng 80, since we can't access this info on Windows.
getTerminalWidth() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Unsupported; return the default.
getTermwidth() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Query the terminal to find the current width;
gotoxy(int, int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
green(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer


HOME_CODE - Static variable in class jline.UnixTerminal
History - class jline.History.
A command history buffer.
History() - Constructor for class jline.History
Construstor: initialize a blank history.
History(File) - Constructor for class jline.History
Construstor: initialize History object the the specified File for storage.
history - Variable in class jline.ConsoleReader


INSERT - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
in - Variable in class jline.ConsoleReader
initializeTerminal() - Method in class jline.Terminal
Initialize any system settings that are required for the console to be able to handle input correctly, such as setting tabtop, buffered input, and character echo.
initializeTerminal() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
Remove line-buffered input by invoking "stty -icanon min 1" against the current terminal.
initializeTerminal() - Method in class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
initializeTerminal() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
insert(char) - Method in class jline.CursorBuffer
Insert the specific character into the buffer, setting the cursor position ahead one.
insert(String) - Method in class jline.CursorBuffer
Insert the specified String into the buffer, setting the cursor to the end of the insertion point.
isANSISupported() - Method in class jline.Terminal
Returns true if the current console supports ANSI codes.
isANSISupported() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Windows doesn't support ANSI codes by default; disable them.
isDelimiter(String, int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
Returns true if the specified character is a whitespace parameter.
isDelimiter(String, int) - Method in interface jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter
Returns true if the specified character is a whitespace parameter.
isDelimiterChar(String, int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
Returns true if the character at the specified position if a delimiter.
isDelimiterChar(String, int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter
The character is a delimiter if it is whitespace, and the preceeding character is not an escape character.
isEscaped(String, int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
isQuoted(String, int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
isSupported() - Method in class jline.Terminal
Returns true if this terminal is capable of initializing the terminal to use jline.
isSupported() - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
isSupported() - Method in class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
isSupported() - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal


jline - package jline
The core JLine API.


KEYBOARD_BELL - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
KEYMAP_NAMES - Static variable in class jline.ConsoleReader
Map that contains the operation name to keymay operation mapping.
KILL_LINE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that deletes the buffer from the current character to the end.
KILL_LINE_PREV - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that deletes the buffer from the cursor to the beginning.
killLine() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Kill the buffer ahead of the current cursor position.


left(int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Moves the cursor n positions to the left.
length() - Method in class jline.CursorBuffer
load(InputStream) - Method in class jline.History
Load the history buffer from the specified InputStream.
load(Reader) - Method in class jline.History
Load the history buffer from the specified Reader.


MOVE_TO_BEG - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moves to the beginning of the buffer.
MOVE_TO_END - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moves to the end of the buffer.
MultiCompletor - class jline.MultiCompletor.
A completor that contains multiple embedded completors.
MultiCompletor() - Constructor for class jline.MultiCompletor
Construct a MultiCompletor with no embedded completors.
MultiCompletor(List) - Constructor for class jline.MultiCompletor
Construct a MultiCompletor with the specified list of Completor instances.
MultiCompletor(Completor[]) - Constructor for class jline.MultiCompletor
Construct a MultiCompletor with the specified Completor instances.
magenta(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.ConsoleRunner
main(String[]) - Static method in class jline.UnixTerminal
matchFiles(String, String, File[], List) - Method in class jline.FileNameCompletor
Match the specified buffer to the array of entries and enter the matches into the list of candidates.
moveToEnd() - Method in class jline.History
Move to the end of the history buffer.


NEWLINE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that issues a newline.
NEXT_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moves to the next character in the buffer.
NEXT_HISTORY - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that sets the buffer to the next history item.
NEXT_SPACE_WORD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
NEXT_WORD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moved to the next word.
NullCompletor - class jline.NullCompletor.
A completor that does nothing.
NullCompletor() - Constructor for class jline.NullCompletor
next() - Method in class jline.History
Move the pointer to the next element in the buffer.


OFF - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
out - Variable in class jline.ConsoleReader


PASTE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that pastes the contents of the cliboard into the line
PASTE_NEXT - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
PASTE_PREV - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
PREV_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moved to the previous character in the buffer.
PREV_HISTORY - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that sets the buffer to the previous history item.
PREV_SPACE_WORD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moved to the previous whitespace.
PREV_WORD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
paste() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the console buffer
previous() - Method in class jline.History
Move the pointer to the previous element in the buffer.
printColumns(Collection) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Output the specified Collection in proper columns.
printNewline() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Output a platform-dependant newline.
printString(String) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Output the specified string to the output stream (but not the buffer).
prompt - Variable in class jline.ConsoleReader
property - Static variable in class jline.ConsoleRunner
putString(String) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Write out the specified string to the buffer and the output stream.


REDISPLAY - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that redisplays the current buffer.
REPEAT_NEXT_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that repeats the character.
REPEAT_PREV_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moves to the previous character in the buffer.
REPEAT_SEARCH_NEXT - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
REPEAT_SEARCH_PREV - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
REPLACE_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
REPLACE_MODE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
RESET_LINE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
REVERSE - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
readCharacter(char[]) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
readCharacter(InputStream) - Method in class jline.Terminal
Read a single character from the input stream.
readCharacter(InputStream) - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
readLine() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Read the next line and return the contents of the buffer.
readLine(Character) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Read the next line with the specified character mask.
readLine(String) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
readLine(String, Character) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Read a line from the in InputStream, and return the line (without any trailing newlines).
readVirtualKey() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Read a character from the console.
readVirtualKey(InputStream) - Method in class jline.Terminal
Reads a virtual key from the console.
readVirtualKey(InputStream) - Method in class jline.UnixTerminal
readVirtualKey(InputStream) - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
red(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
redrawLine() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Clear the line and redraw it.
removeCompletor(Completor) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Remove the specified Completor from the list of handlers for tab-completion.
resetLine() - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Erase the current line.
resetmode(int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Same as setmode () except for mode = 7, which disables line wrapping (useful for writing the right-most column without scrolling to the next line).
restore() - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Restores the saved cursor position.
restoreIn() - Static method in class jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream
Restore the original System.in input stream.
reverse(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
right(int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Moves the cursor n positions to the right.


SEARCH_NEXT - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that searches forward in the command history.
SEARCH_PREV - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that searches backwards in the command history.
SUBSTITUTE_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
SUBSTITUTE_LINE - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
SimpleCompletor - class jline.SimpleCompletor.
A simple Completor implementation that handles a pre-defined list of completion words.
SimpleCompletor(String) - Constructor for class jline.SimpleCompletor
Create a new SimpleCompletor with a single possible completion values.
SimpleCompletor(String[]) - Constructor for class jline.SimpleCompletor
Create a new SimpleCompletor with a list of possible completion values.
SimpleCompletor(String[], SimpleCompletor.SimpleCompletorFilter) - Constructor for class jline.SimpleCompletor
SimpleCompletor(Reader) - Constructor for class jline.SimpleCompletor
Complete candidates using the contents of the specified Reader.
SimpleCompletor(InputStream) - Constructor for class jline.SimpleCompletor
Complete candidates using the whitespearated values in read from the specified Reader.
SimpleCompletor.NoOpFilter - class jline.SimpleCompletor.NoOpFilter.
SimpleCompletor.NoOpFilter() - Constructor for class jline.SimpleCompletor.NoOpFilter
SimpleCompletor.SimpleCompletorFilter - interface jline.SimpleCompletor.SimpleCompletorFilter.
Filter for elements in the completor.
save() - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Saves the current cursor position.
setAnsiEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
setArgumentPosition(int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
setArguments(String[]) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
setAutoprintThreshhold(int) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
setBellEnabled(boolean) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
setBufferPosition(int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
setCandidateStrings(String[]) - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
setCandidates(SortedSet) - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
setCompletionHandler(CompletionHandler) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
setCompletors(Completor[]) - Method in class jline.MultiCompletor
setCursorArgumentIndex(int) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
setCursorPosition(int) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Move the cursor position to the specified absolute index.
setDebug(PrintWriter) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Set the stream for debugging.
setDelimiter(String) - Method in class jline.SimpleCompletor
setDirectConsole(Boolean) - Method in class jline.WindowsTerminal
Whether or not to allow the use of the JNI console interaction.
setEchoCharacter(Character) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Set the echo character.
setEscapeChars(char[]) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
setHistory(History) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
setHistoryFile(File) - Method in class jline.History
setIn() - Static method in class jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream
setIn(ConsoleReader) - Static method in class jline.ConsoleReaderInputStream
setInput(InputStream) - Method in class jline.ConsoleReader
Set the stream to be used for console input.
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class jline.History
Set the maximum size that the history buffer will store.
setOutput(PrintWriter) - Method in class jline.History
The output to which all history elements will be written (or null of history is not saved to a buffer).
setQuoteChars(char[]) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
setStrict(boolean) - Method in class jline.ArgumentCompletor
If true, a completion at argument index N will only succeed if all the completions from 0-(N-1) also succeed.
setkey(String, String) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Sets the key with the given code to the given value.
setmode(int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Sets the screen mode.
setupTerminal() - Static method in class jline.Terminal
Configure and return the Terminal instance for the current platform.
size() - Method in class jline.History
sortFileNames(List) - Method in class jline.FileNameCompletor
strict - Variable in class jline.ArgumentCompletor


TO_END_WORD - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that moved to the end of the current word.
TO_NEXT_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
TO_PREV_CHAR - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that
Terminal - class jline.Terminal.
Representation of the input terminal for a platform.
Terminal() - Constructor for class jline.Terminal
toString(boolean) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
toString() - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
toString() - Method in class jline.CursorBuffer
toString() - Method in class jline.History
Returns the standard AbstractCollection.toString() representation of the history list.


UNDERSCORE - Static variable in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
UNDO - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Operation that undoes the previous operation.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface jline.ConsoleOperations
Unknown operation.
UnixTerminal - class jline.UnixTerminal.
Terminal that is used for unix platforms.
UnixTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.UnixTerminal
UnsupportedTerminal - class jline.UnsupportedTerminal.
A no-op unsupported terminal.
UnsupportedTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.UnsupportedTerminal
underscore(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer
up(int) - Static method in class jline.ANSIBuffer.ANSICodes
Moves the cursor n rows up without changing the current column.


WindowsTerminal - class jline.WindowsTerminal.
Terminal implementation for Microsoft Windows.
WindowsTerminal() - Constructor for class jline.WindowsTerminal


yellow(String) - Method in class jline.ANSIBuffer


Released under the terms of the BSD license