Class ArgumentCompletor

  extended byjline.ArgumentCompletor
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ArgumentCompletor
extends Object
implements Completor

A Completor implementation that invokes a child completor using the appropriate separator argument. This can be used instead of the individual completors having to know about argument parsing semantics.

Example 1: Any argument of the command line can use file completion.

	consoleReader.addCompletor (new ArgumentCompletor (
		new FileNameCompletor ()))

Example 2: The first argument of the command line can be completed with any of "foo", "bar", or "baz", and remaining arguments can be completed with a file name.

	consoleReader.addCompletor (new ArgumentCompletor (
		new SimpleCompletor (new String [] { "foo", "bar", "baz"})));
	consoleReader.addCompletor (new ArgumentCompletor (
		new FileNameCompletor ()));

When the argument index is past the last embedded completors, the last completors is always used. To disable this behavior, have the last completor be a NullCompletor. For example:

	consoleReader.addCompletor (new ArgumentCompletor (
		new SimpleCompletor (new String [] { "foo", "bar", "baz"}),
		new SimpleCompletor (new String [] { "xxx", "yyy", "xxx"}),
		new NullCompletor

TODO: handle argument quoting and escape characters

Marc Prud'hommeaux

Nested Class Summary
static class ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter
          Abstract implementation of a delimiter that uses the ArgumentCompletor.AbstractArgumentDelimiter.isDelimiter(java.lang.String, int) method to determine if a particular character should be used as a delimiter.
static interface ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter
          The ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter allows custom breaking up of a String into individual arguments in order to dispatch the arguments to the nested Completor.
static class ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentList
          The result of a delimited buffer.
static class ArgumentCompletor.WhitespaceArgumentDelimiter
          ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter implementation that counts all whitespace (as reported by Character.isWhitespace(char)) as being a delimiter.
Field Summary
(package private)  Completor[] completors
(package private)  ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter delim
(package private)  boolean strict
Constructor Summary
ArgumentCompletor(Completor completor)
          Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".
ArgumentCompletor(Completor[] completors)
          Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".
ArgumentCompletor(Completor[] completors, ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter delim)
          Constuctor: create a new completor with the specified argument delimiter.
ArgumentCompletor(Completor completor, ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter delim)
          Constuctor: create a new completor with the specified argument delimiter.
ArgumentCompletor(List completors)
          Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".
Method Summary
 int complete(String buffer, int cursor, List candidates)
          Populates candidates with a list of possible completions for the buffer.
 boolean getStrict()
          Returns whether a completion at argument index N will succees if all the completions from arguments 0-(N-1) also succeed.
 void setStrict(boolean strict)
          If true, a completion at argument index N will only succeed if all the completions from 0-(N-1) also succeed.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


final Completor[] completors


final ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter delim


boolean strict
Constructor Detail


public ArgumentCompletor(Completor completor)
Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".

completor - the embedded completor


public ArgumentCompletor(List completors)
Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".

completors - the List of completors to use


public ArgumentCompletor(Completor[] completors)
Constuctor: create a new completor with the default argument separator of " ".

completors - the embedded argument completors


public ArgumentCompletor(Completor completor,
                         ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter delim)
Constuctor: create a new completor with the specified argument delimiter.

completor - the embedded completor
delim - the delimiter for parsing arguments


public ArgumentCompletor(Completor[] completors,
                         ArgumentCompletor.ArgumentDelimiter delim)
Constuctor: create a new completor with the specified argument delimiter.

completors - the embedded completors
delim - the delimiter for parsing arguments
Method Detail


public void setStrict(boolean strict)
If true, a completion at argument index N will only succeed if all the completions from 0-(N-1) also succeed.


public boolean getStrict()
Returns whether a completion at argument index N will succees if all the completions from arguments 0-(N-1) also succeed.


public int complete(String buffer,
                    int cursor,
                    List candidates)
Description copied from interface: Completor
Populates candidates with a list of possible completions for the buffer. The candidates list will not be sorted before being displayed to the user: thus, the complete method should sort the List before returning.

Specified by:
complete in interface Completor
buffer - the buffer
candidates - the List of candidates to populate
the index of the buffer for which the completion will be relative

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